Bitande bevis (In the Teeth of the Evidence) ; Absolut på annat håll (Absolutely Elsewhere) ; Miss i målet (A Shot at Goal) ; När midnattstimmen slog (Dirt Cheap) ; Bittermandel (Bitter Almonds) ; Fällande slag (False Weight) ; Professorns manuskript (The Professor's Manuscript) ; Mjölkflaskorna (The Milk-Bottles) ; Dilemma (Dilemma) ; En pil i luften (An Arrow O'er the House) ; Kråknästet (Scrawns) ; Mr Budd får en idé (The Inspiration of Mr. Budd) ; Blodsoffer (Blood Sacrifice) ; Leoparddamen (The Leopard Lady) ; Den cypriska katten (The Cyprian Cat) ; Misstankar (Suspicion)