I. I. Den sista galejan (The Last Galley) ; II. En sångtäfling (The Contest) ; III. Genom en slöja (Through the Veil) ; IV. En bildstormare (An Iconoclast) ; V. Jätten Maximin (Giant Maximin) ; VI. Hunnernas ankomst (The Coming of the Huns) ; VII. Legionernas aftåg (The Last of the Legions) ; VIII. Den första laddningen (The First Cargo) ; IX. Hemkomsten (The Home-Coming) ; X. Den röda stjärnan (The Red Star ) - II. I. Sharkeys undergång (The Blighting of Sharkey) ; II. Brigadgeneralens giftermål (The Marriage of the Brigadier) ; III. Lorden till Falconbridge (The Lord of Falconbridge) ; IV. Ur löpningen (Out of the Running) ; V. "De Profundis" ("De Profundis") ; VI. Den stora Brown-Pericordmotorn (The Great Brown-Pericord Motor) ; VII. Skräcken i Blå Johns gap (The Terror of Blue John Gap)