I. Det filosofiska tänkadets olika typer (The Types of Philosophic Thinking) ; II. Monistisk idealism (Monistic Idealism) ; III. Hegel och hans metod (Hegel and His Method) ; IV. Om Fechner (Concerning Fechner) ; V. Medvetandets sammanfogning (The Compounding of Consciousness) ; VI. Bergson och hans kritik av intellektualismen (Bergson and His Critique of Intellectualism) ; VII. Erfarenhetens kontinuitet (The Continuity of Experience) ; VIII. Slutsatser (Conslusions) ; Tvenne tillägg: (Appendices): Tinget och dess relationer (The Thing and Its Relations) ; Handlingslivets problem (On the Notion of Reality as Changing)